April 3, 2022

Question And Answer – 4-3-2022

Passage: Genesis 3:1-6, 46:26-27, Acts 7:14
Service Type:

Listen to Pastor Jonathan Burris answer biblical questions that have been submitted by the congregation. The questions are as follows:

  1. In regards to Genesis 3:1-6, how would the scriptures have been fulfilled if Adam had made the right choice?
  2. Does eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil relate to the age of accountability in Genesis 3:6?
  3. Do angels have free will?
  4. Where did the baskets come from that were used in the Feeding of the 5000 miracle?
  5. Why is it important that Jesus's body also ascended?
  6. How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God when in Genesis 46:27 it says 70 souls but in Acts 7:14 it says 75?

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