Dipak and Wisdom Nayak: New Center’s New Missionaries to India

We are thrilled to welcome our newest and first missionaries to India: Dipak and Wisdom Nayak. Several generations back, Father plucked this family from the Brahmin caste from which Hindu priests are drawn and placed them into the family of God from which preachers are called. Since that time, Father has called men from each generation to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of India and beyond. This father and son team are the latest in that line of faithful men. Senior Pastor Dipak Nayak is one of the most kind-hearted and burdened men I have ever known. He has a passion for the Gospel, a burden for the lost, a heart for the hungry, an open door to orphans, and he is a teacher of Bible teachers. His son, Wisdom is one of the most intelligent, yet humble, people one could ever know. He wears his name well. His dedication to the cause of Christ and continual study in order to better reach the world for Christ is seen in all he does. In this time of global sickness and hardship, many churches are dropping support for missionaries and evangelists. Most that I have spoken with have only a fraction of the meetings they had before the pandemic. I am so thankful that our Great God and Heavenly Father has blessed us at New Center financially during this downturn so that we may be a blessing to those who depend on the charity and compassion of local churches like ours to fund their ministries. I may never have the opportunity to preach the Gospel in India, Nepal, or Bangladesh. But I am honored to support and help these two men of God.

— Pastor Jonathan Burris